
As the program has expanded, we have outgrown our current resources, which are over 20 years old.  We’re reaching out to respected people and organizations in the community to help us reach our goal of purchasing new wrestling mats and training equipment.  This will upgrade our equipment to the current standard and take our program safely into the future as we grow.



Spartan Youth Wresting is committed to developing tomorrow’s leaders through a focus on discipline, determination, teamwork, respect, and humility.  This is accomplished with clearly defined goals and standards, a rigorous yet fun practice environment, challenging competitions across New England, and a strong Spartan Wrestling family.  The lessons learned on the mat are very impactful, but the end goal extends much further.  By providing additional opportunities off the mat for volunteering and community engagement activities, we can teach essential life skills and make a significant difference in the lives around us.

Though wrestling matches are individual-centered, we recognize that each of our athletes is backed by a larger team and community.  We are fortunate to have a family of volunteer coaches, board members, parents, siblings, and friends supporting our 60+ wrestlers, ages 4 through 14, for up to 20 hours a week.  Over the years, we have had boys and girls succeed at state, regional, and national levels.  The values and skills learned through our program have translated to later success in manufacturing, business, medicine, teaching, and more.  We can look at our Spartans and know that they are good people making a difference in their workplace, community, and family.

Your donation to our nonprofit 501(c)3 organization is a tax-deductible commitment to our program and directly impacts the future of our community.  In return, our team’s commitment is to ensure that you and/or your business receive recognition for supporting our vision and contributing to our future.  Business logos will be displayed either on our wrestling mats, on our warm-up jerseys, on our team website, or a combination of those options.  The wrestling mats will be seen by over 1,000 people per year for the next 10+ years.  Our warm-up jerseys are seen around town, as well as in weekly competitions across the state.  The team website is visited frequently by parents and relatives of our wrestlers.  Depending on the desired exposure, there are tiered donation options:

  • Bronze $1+ Team Website
  • Silver $100+ Team Website and Tournament Banner
  • Gold $500+ Warm-up Jerseys, Team Website and Tournament Banner
  • Platinum $5,000+ Wrestling Mat, Warm-up Jerseys, Team Website and Tournament Banner

For questions call Katrina Danby at 207-660-5219 or email

Thank you from the entire Spartan Youth Wrestling family!

Spartan Youth Wrestling Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 with tax identification number 83-4410574.  Your gift is tax-deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines.  No goods or services will be provided provided in return for this donation.